Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Easter is a little over a week away, and while the point of the holiday is obviously to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus,  I have to admit I always look forward to getting a new Easter dress.  I remember as a kid it was a fun day when Mom would say we were going Easter dress shopping.  And how excited I would be to wake up on Easter morning and put on my pretty new dress that had been hanging in my closet untouched awaiting this day (after scoping out what the Easter bunny left us in our baskets, of course. ;) )  Easter dresses to me are floral and colorful and something you feel feminine and pretty in.

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You Found Me in a Blue Maxi

You Found Me in a Blue Maxi

Hello there! I've been MIA lately, I know, I'm sorry.  I had a little post-holiday productivity slump, and the weather and my schedule were not cooperating to get any images taken. We needed the rain, but it makes shooting outside a bit difficult.  But now I'm back!

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Gettin' Lace-y

We are 7 days into October already - what the....?  Don't have a Halloween costume for the little Dude yet - he's not old enough to have an opinion (or even know what is coming) but he's really in to "Finding Nemo" right now, so we can't decide if he should be Nemo, or a shark (he loves the sharks in the film, even though they only have like 5 minutes of screen time.)  Part of me doesn't want to bother with a costume because I don't think he's going to want to wear it, and trick-or-treating with an almost 2 year old doesn't sound like a very productive activity. But on the other hand, little kids in costumes are SO CUTE! LOL  So we'll see.

But once Halloween comes and goes, it will be Christmas time before you know it.  While I feel like the holidays make what's left of the year go by even faster, I do love the occasions to dress up more than usual that usually arise.  I'm loving this dress for parties to come.  It is SO comfortable, the lace is very soft and stretches, and the pattern of the lace and the fact that it is black makes it very forgiving, despite being formfitting.  It is dressy on it's own, but I think that it can even be dressed down for just a casual night out with a jean jacket and some moto boots.  And for less that $70, totally worth it.

lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress
lace dress holiday dress

You can get this exact dress below, and while my shoes are old, I'm loving these very similar ones, which are also a great price.

Blue Belle

I'd never been to Arkansas before this recent family trip, and I enjoyed it much more than I anticipated.  Typically the weather in that region of the country tends to be what I consider a less desirable combination of heat and humidity than what we have in SoCal, but this year its almost more humid in LA than it was in AR, so I felt like it was easy to acclimate.

I knew what would be most comfortable would be sundresses, so I picked up a few new ones from Forever 21 - they've been killing it this summer with their adorable, totally affordable yet look-more-expensive-than-they-are styles.  This dress is one of my favorites.  With the off-the-shoulder style and my wide-brimmed hat, I felt like a southern belle.


You can find most of the exact items below.

Friday Favorites - Anthropologie Floral

And we're here again - TGIF!  Happy Passover and Easter this weekend.

Easter feels like the start of spring dressing to me - I think because ever since I was a little girl I would always get a new Easter dress, and it inevitably was pretty and floral.  Its hard not to feel pretty in floral, and Anthropologie always has some of the prettiest dresses.

Poppy Field Dress 

Poppy Field Dress

Nightgarden Sheath 

Nightgarden Sheath

Photostat Floral Dress 

Photostat Floral Dress

Butterfly Garden Gown 

Butterfly Garden Gown

Don't you feel pretty just THINKING about wearing these dresses?  I confess that even on sale, Anthro is usually out of my budget, but a girl can dream, can't she?