Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Friday Favorites - Easter Dresses under $100

Easter is a little over a week away, and while the point of the holiday is obviously to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus,  I have to admit I always look forward to getting a new Easter dress.  I remember as a kid it was a fun day when Mom would say we were going Easter dress shopping.  And how excited I would be to wake up on Easter morning and put on my pretty new dress that had been hanging in my closet untouched awaiting this day (after scoping out what the Easter bunny left us in our baskets, of course. ;) )  Easter dresses to me are floral and colorful and something you feel feminine and pretty in.

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Silk Flowers and Sleepless Nights

So I know we were really lucky with our son and his newborn to toddler sleep habits.  While he didn't sleep through the night right away (what newborn does), he never had any trouble discerning day from night, and did give us his longest stretches of sleep during night hours.  And when he did wake, it was to eat, then back to sleep. No midnight play sessions.

Then as he got older and outgrew his bassinet and it was time for him to sleep in his crib in is room, he made the transition pretty smoothly, until finally he was just sleeping through the night.  And putting him down had always been easy too: nurse or bottle, lay him down, turn on twinkly star lights, leave the room, he goes to sleep.

Fast forward to him now at 22 months, after over a year of quick, easy bedtimes and solid sleeping nights, he must be in a phase where he is becoming consciously aware of being alone, and not really liking it.  Bedtime routine has not changed, but now he needs someone to sit in the room with him in the dark until he falls asleep.  

And the sleeping through the night is more infrequent than not.  I am awakened once, sometimes twice, by "mommy! mommy!" coming through the monitor.  First we were going in his room, all he wanted was someone to cuddle him while he fell back asleep.  But we really don't want to encourage a needy habit. So now he calls out and I go to the door of his room on the outside, so he can't see me, but I respond, "Mommy is here. You're ok. Lie down and go night night." And he does.  I hear a little thump and he's back down on his mattress curled up with his blankie.  So, it could be worse, I know.  But I'm ready for this phase to pass.


No, your eyes aren't blurry, it's the photo, I'm so sorry. We tried new lense and it was a bust, but the dress was just so pretty I still wanted to share. So I apologize, and thanks for bearing with me.  

The dress is silk, and loose and flowy, and the print is gorgeous.  It's currently significantly on sale.


Friday Favorites - Anthropologie Floral

And we're here again - TGIF!  Happy Passover and Easter this weekend.

Easter feels like the start of spring dressing to me - I think because ever since I was a little girl I would always get a new Easter dress, and it inevitably was pretty and floral.  Its hard not to feel pretty in floral, and Anthropologie always has some of the prettiest dresses.

Poppy Field Dress 

Poppy Field Dress

Nightgarden Sheath 

Nightgarden Sheath

Photostat Floral Dress 

Photostat Floral Dress

Butterfly Garden Gown 

Butterfly Garden Gown

Don't you feel pretty just THINKING about wearing these dresses?  I confess that even on sale, Anthro is usually out of my budget, but a girl can dream, can't she?