Thursday Treats - Snickerdoodle Cupcakes in Tea Cup Molds

Thursday Treats - Snickerdoodle Cupcakes in Tea Cup Molds

I'm not quite sure why it is, but there are a lot of desserts and recipes that are perfectly acceptable all year, but seem to really just get made during the holiday time of year.  Because that happens, their flavor become associated with the holidays.  Snickerdoodles are one of those types of desserts for me, but I've only ever had them in cookie form.  As a kid, we would visit my grandma and grandpa and my sister and I would help bake a batch of snickerdoodles. And nothing smells as amazing and baking cinnamon.

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Staying Healthy During the Holidays (and Year Round)

Staying Healthy During the Holidays (and Year Round)

'Tis the season of so much food! So much amazingly good food that we only seem to have this time of year (pumpkin IS available year round. We COULD eat pumpkin all year round.)  And I love to eat, especially sweets.  But I also love to feel good, to feel good about myself and to feel good physically: healthy and energized (plus I need it, to keep up with a two-year-old.) So while I do indulge during the holidays (come on, YOLO, right?) I balance it out with (mostly) healthy eating on a daily basis.  

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Football Sunday Food

Yes, ladies, it's here for several more months, so we might as well make the most of it: football season. (I actually don't mind it, but we don't have a current home team, so I'm not really in to it right now.)  But I'm always down for some fun recipe ideas:

Links I Love - 10.09.2015

links I love
links I love
  1. It's Friday.  Take a break and watch a few of these.  This guy will crack you up.  He works at BuzzFeed, and films these video where he drinks wine at work (and may or may not become inebriated) and comments on life.  HIL-AR-I-OUS!  (
  2. Pictures can say certain things better than any words can sometimes.  Here are some beautiful/inspiring/heartbreaking images to make you thankful/happy.humbled. (
  3. Anything that can simplify life is a good thing in my book. Some of these beauty hacks are so simple I wonder why I didn't think of them on my own.  (
  4. Who doesn't love mac'n'cheese? Isn't it like the unofficial king of comfort food?  Not that it takes super long on the stove top, but here's a quicker microwave version from scratch. (
  5. It really is fascinating to me how differently men and women see the same thing.  Sometimes I am so confused about what my husband thinks is attractive clothing on me.  Apparently I'm not alone. (
  6. Holiday time is fast approaching (can you believe it?!!)  Time to start thinking about holiday gifts.  I think these DIYs are super pretty and also look like they take more skill than they actually do.  These make impressive, attractive and useful gifts.
  7. Netflix is really killing it with quality original programming lately.  But in case you forgot, they also have movies from the big screen.  When you're done with your latest binge series, here's a list of the best films on Netflix. (
  8. Isn't the color of this glass soap dish so gorgeous? It reminds me of my wedding invitations, actually.  Maybe that's why I'm partial....  (  
  9. There have been studies that show that coloring is actually a good thing for adults to do, to books mental energy and creativity.  I'd forgotten that its actually fun until I started it at home with my toddler.  Here's some free printable sheets that are better than Mickey Mouse and Goofy.  (