The Perfect Swimsuit - thanks to Target

Alright, who's ready for swimsuit season?! LOL, I know, what am I talking about, right?  It's still freezing around the country (in SoCal, "freezing" = 50 degrees.)  And we're all still kicking our New Years fitness resolutions into gear.  No one feels they're in "swimsuit shape" in February.  But that's exactly the point of Target's #NOFOMO campaign.  It stands for "No Fear of Missing Out" and encourages women (anyone, really) to get out there an enjoy what life has to offer, and not let your insecurities hold you back.  We should not miss out on opportunities/activities/invitations because we aren't "swimsuit" ready.   

Obviously I would be shopping at Target regardless of this campaign, because, um, who doesn't love Target? ;)  And I actually still have swimsuits from Target that are like 10 years old (yeah, I might need to go through that drawer).  This season's swimwear offerings are pretty awesome.  They've got hundreds of styles and combinations, and new lines by Tori Praver and Vanilla Beach that are so cute!  And with the ability to mix and match tops and bottoms, we can find our unique style and perfect fit (because we are all unique and perfect in our own way.)

What I look for in a suit these days is a little different that I did 10 years ago, in those pre-baby college years.  I'm not going to complain here about what I consider my "problem" areas, because I know you don't want to hear it, and this is supposed to be about embracing yourself as you are.  So "as I am" requires pieces that will stay put when I'm chasing my toddler around and splashing and jumping with him.  But I still want to look cute and fun.  I'm partial to bikinis simply because I'm usually a size bigger on the bottom than the top, and I like that I can get the perfect fit in separates. 

I think one-pieces have gotten extra cute lately and monokinis give you the best of both worlds.  I have a little harder time with one pieces because I'm tall and slim, so the smaller size that fits me around is often too short top to bottom.  Obviously trying suits on before committing is a must, but I don't have time to spend in the fitting rooms at the stores.  Target offers free shipping and easy returns, so I just order everything I'm interested in (sometimes in multiple sizes) and try them on at home when I have time.  And did you know you can return most on-line purchases in the store?  That makes the whole process super convenient since I usually take weekly trips there anyway. (Don't you?)

String ties are the best because you can get 

String ties are the best because you can get 

the perfect fit.

the perfect fit.

swimsuit fashion blogger target
fashion blogger swim target style

And of course, don't forget your sun protection in all its forms: hat, shades, sunscreen. And have fun with your swim style with some accessories and cover-ups.  Target has it all for you.  I've linked to some of my favorites below.

Thanks to Target for sponsoring this post.  While I received some compensation, all opinions and suggestions are my own.