Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday.  It is supposed to be very hot here this weekend. The weather feels a bit bi-polar lately, cold and rainy one week, 90 degrees and sunny the next.  Doesn't make for easy closet organization.  We don't have air conditioning in our apartment, and while we live close enough to the coast that the temperatures don't usually reach the max predictions, it can still get uncomfortably warm, especially when you're chasing/carrying a toddler around. We'll be going to Orange County to visit my parents in their air conditioned house.

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Happy Friday - I hope you have something fun/memorable/adventurous planned for the weekend.  They are predicting that beautiful, 70+ degree, sunny weather that makes all the east coasters who are freezing right now want to pick up and move west.  I plan to get out with the little dude and enjoy it (and him) as much as possible.

The shifting weather (though I hope we still have more rain to come, we need it. April showers, right?) has me thinking about updating my wardrobe.

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Linked Up

  1. New parents, need a laugh?  I have a 15 month old, and while not all are relevant yet, we've started down this road: 33 Ridiculous Things You Had No Idea You Have To Teach Your Kids
  2. You can't believe everything (most things, quite honestly) that you see online.  This guy (Zack King) is amazingly creative in 15 second increments.
  3. Who knew that Mr. Spock had photography interests? The Full Body Project, buy the late Leonard Nimoy examines our current standards of beauty.
  4. Last year I had 4 month old, so we didn't do Easter eggs. But these have me excited to try some new things this year.

Friday Favorites


A few of my favorite blogs right now:

  • Cupcakes and Cashmere -  by Emily Schuman (and her team).  A new mom to a beautiful baby girl, Emily is one of those women who seems to have it all together, and makes you feel like you can too.  She has a good mix of content and inspires me.
  • A Lovely Living - by Marisa Zerby.  Marisa is a full time mother of 2, with one more on the way.  She is proof that you can be a busy mom and still look pulled together and stylish.  Her posts are relatable and practical.
  • The Honeybee - by Andee Lane.  Andee is another new mommy (gave her daughter a little brother.)  She has an adorable family, and is another one of those women who seems to have it all together and lives life with good style.