Holiday Party Style v2

Holiday Party Style v2

Are you still recovering from your food coma from yesterday?  Or do you consider Thanksgiving meal just fuel for Black Friday shopping? ;)  I confess I've never been much of a big Black Friday shopper - mostly I think because the Friday after Thanksgiving I'm still pretending like it's Thanksgiving and not looking towards the next holiday yet. It's still November. Christmas is like a month away!  So I'm sorry to say you won't find any Black Friday deal promotions on my site here today, but I'm sure you will have no shortage. I think I can be overwhelming.

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Holiday Party Style v.1

Holiday Party Style v.1

My life is so glamorous right now.  This is evidenced by the fact that the new word my son has learned this week is "boogers."  (Are you picking up on the fact that first sentence was sarcasm?;) ) Yeah, we've got a serious cold going on in the body of a little person who doesn't know how to blow his nose yet (or even how to blow when you tell him to) and a steady flow of snot running down his face.  Which is a vicious cycle, because the snot flow upsets him so he cries about it ("Mommy! Boogers!", pointing to his nose), and the crying causes more snot.  Not to mention the use of the bulb sucker that suctions the snot out but upsets him so much I think twice as much is created in its place.  Like I said, life is glamorous right now. 

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Feeling Pretty

Feeling Pretty

I was contemplating last night the issue of outgrowing one's dreams.  Not that you outgrow them and they are no longer your dreams, but that your physical growth - either in size or age - makes your dreams no longer plausible for you.  For example: I have always loved horses. When I was very young, I wanted a job that let me ride horses for a living. I wanted to be a horse jockey.  Then I grew to be 5'11", and clearly there is no way that specific dream could be a reality.  Fortunately, it was also a dream I outgrew in that I no longer wanted to be a jockey by the time I was 5'11", so that worked itself out. 

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Office Stripes

Office Stripes

Ironically I'm posting an office outfit on a Monday that I'm not going to work.  My son is turning 2 this week, and we're taking him down to the San Diego Zoo to see the animals.  He's at the fun age where he is learning animals and the sounds they make ("What does a cow say?" "Mooo!")  Aside from dogs, cats, birds and squirrels, (oh, and the aquarium), my son has not seen any other animals in the flesh.  He is very fond of elephants and lions right now, so I'm hoping he finds them as awesome in person.  

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Fall Cape and Cozy Dress

Fall Cape and Cozy Dress

I have my hot beverage steaming before me right now (green tea this time), and I'm so happy we're having some cool weather finally!  We're already into November, which means I need to get my brain in to holiday gear, and it's so hard to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas when you're still splashing in the pool on the weekends (I know, SoCal life is tough ;) ).

This dress is like the softest thing ever (I know I said that about this sweater - it might be a tie), and cute belted or not.  I can see myself wearing it so many ways.

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