It's Beginning to Feel a Bit Like Fall

Hope you had a good weekend. Here we are at Monday again. I'm thinking about starting a petition to make weekends 3 days instead of 2.  Anyone interested in signing?

So I actually woke up one night this weekend because I was cold, and had to pull the blanket up (we've just been sleeping with a sheet on, because it's been so hot.)  It was a nice feeling.  I also woke up to the sound of rain outside at 2am on Sunday, and while it had stopped by the time the sun came up, it left us with a cool and fall-like day.  I would have lounged in my PJs for half the day, if I could have (lounging in any capacity happens very rarely these days. You know, with the toddler and all.)  We did have about an hour of family snuggles that morning watching Baby Einstein in mommy and daddy's bed though.  ;)  Overall, the weekend was good (mommy and daddy we able to go out TWO nights in a row, the first in ages.)  

fall style
fall style gap dress
fall accessories
fall style gap dress
fall shoes black heels
fall style hooded coat

Timewarp (and a pink maxi)

For last Christmas, my sister made me a custom 2015 calendar with pictures of my son for the year prior (his first full year of life). Last night I flipped to October and had a momentary trip down memory lane as I viewed the images she chose for this month.  Every time I see pictures of my son from last year I am literally stunned.  I feel like I'm in another dimension, that the baby in those pictures is someone different than the toddler I chase around now. A year to an adult is most times not a dramatic change.  But a year in the life of a small person is so dramatic.  And for most of us, until we become a parent, we don't witness these dramatic changes on a first hand basis until we have our own kids.

Think about it: when you're a kid, you don't notice yourself changing. And your friends are all changing at the approximate same pace as you. And the adults in your life are already adults and always will be adults, so you don't notice change in them at all.  And when you're an adult, you're mostly with adults, and there is not usually dramatic change in them.  But with a baby, they literally grow over night.  It's the most surreal thing.  I see those pictures of my little chub when he was learning to walk, and I remember scooping him up in my arms and how he fit just right.  I felt like he was mostly the same from one day to the next, but now a year later, the change is so dramatic, and that little baby is gone.  Its such a weird thing, when I think about it, I'm almost in mourning (my eyes tear up, my husband doesn't really understand. Its a mom thing.)  I am so excited by my son's developments and watching him learn and grow - it's so amazing and fun - but I can't deny I miss that little baby a bit.  

Because babies make everything better - had to snap a few with my photographer's son.  It feels like yesterday my little guy was this small, now he's running and talking and so big!

Because babies make everything better - had to snap a few with my photographer's son.  It feels like yesterday my little guy was this small, now he's running and talking and so big!


No One is Perfect

I am of the generation that remembers life without email (even without cell phones! I first learned to make phone calls on a rotary phone. Do people even know what that is anymore?).  I am totally dating myself, but AOL was the beginning when I was in school. We had to listen to the dial-up modem sound as we logged in to check our email.   We had pagers to keep in contact with our friends, and numerical codes to send messages (early texting shorthand: 143 = I love you, etc.)  

Then social media came along - we all had MySpace first, then Facebook blew up.  And everything has seemed like warp speed since then.  It's really hard to imagine life without all this tech now, but I do actually remember it, and am thankful I grew up when I did.  I think the stages of my life perfectly coincided with the growth of technology: I was young enough to grow with it, so it wasn't like I was trying to play catch-up learning it all, but the tech itself was still mild enough that I was able to get through the 'tough years' (aka adolescence) without the often harsh and critical social media world weighing on me.  While social media has created so many new, positive, creative forums and connected people in positive ways, it has also created a place for cowardly, immature and ignorant people to have a more profound effect than they ever should.  

outfit of the day

And even as an adult, it can be hard not to let the media ( in all its forms) get to you.  Its only human to compare ourselves to each other, and its hard to remember that what we're seeing is only what other's want us to see.  I took some dorky photos during this session, but I obviously only used the ones I liked in this post.  I compare myself to others as well, and then judge myself.  But my goal of this blog is to be who I am, and share who I am and what I have to offer, and not be anyone else.  Because no one is perfect. And everyone is different. We all just need to be the best version of ourselves.

outfit of the day
outfit of the day
outfit of the day shoes
outfit of the day

Cutoffs and Suede Stilettos

Eventually Mother Nature will get the memo that it is supposed to be fall weather, and not record breaking heat and humidity right now.  Until that time, my sweaters will have to stay indoors on their hangers, because it is too hot to even look at them right now.

I got these booties on sale on sale (yes, I said that twice. Can't beat a discount on top of a sale price), and while I'm not sure they're office appropriate, the price and cuteness factor were at the right level they're worth keeping.  Open toe and in suede, I think they're a good transition bootie (and surprisingly comfortable for that tall a heel).  And since my husband doesn't mind me being taller than him in my stilettos (these make me about 6'2"), I think I'll be able to get my money's worth out of them, once the temps drop about 20 degrees!  This is my hot day breaking them in outfit. (I don't think you can tell I'm sweating, can you?)  Mixing it up with a little edginess.

Wishing you a wonderful week!


Camo & Lace

Want to lose 6 pounds over night? Get a stomach virus. Yeah, its been a fun past 3 days in our house: Wednesday night little man started throwing up, and after being home sick with him 2 days, Mommy had her turn.  Its just the beginning.  Having kids is the best and worst thing for your immune system: you get immune to everything after you get infected by everything, LOL. I worked for several years at a day care, and after being perpetually sick for about 3 months, I very rarely got sick again for a long while. But germs evolve over the years, so those immunities are no longer effective.  So now we're starting over.

Despite it seems like everyone is busting out their fall clothes, weather in Los Angeles is still anything but.  We had a freak rainstorm this past week, which seemed like the culmination of gross heat and humidity we'd been having. Once the storm passed, we'd had very pleasant weather.  Perfect for an outfit like this one, I'll be pulling out for the weekend.