It's Bombshell's Day #bombshellsday

Today is for you -- for all us ladies -- International Bombshell's Day.  I think it's a day Victoria's Secret made up, and they're celebrating by offering discounts and give-aways at their stores today.  But we should all use it as a day to pamper ourselves and embrace our inner bombshell.  We deserve it.  And we should embrace the outer one as well, as far as I'm concerned.  Bombshells come in every shape and size.  When you embrace your inner bombshell, it will be reflected outwardly to the world.

Course a little make-up, blow-out and good lighting never hurt either. ;)

Hope you have a great weekend and do something for yourself.

Get your "Happy Clothes" On

Well, it's here. May has arrived.  Which means we have about a month and a half until it's officially Summer.  But if you live in Southern California, or other regions of the western US, you've already started dressing for those summer days. Because it was 90 degrees in Los Angeles yesterday!

Swimsuit weather is around the corner!

And warm weather means swimsuits.  And swimsuits mean wishing you'd kept with that New Year's resolution to work out more or eat healthier.  Well, its not too late! It's never too late to start a good thing.

To stay motivate to take care of yourself, wear "happy clothes."

To get yourself motivated, here's a place to start right now that can have an immediate effect: Dressing thinner.  Wear "happy clothes."  What? I know. Let me explain.  Motivation to make fitness or health changes comes from within.  Friends and family can yammer on, but not until we can feel motivated from ourselves will we take action.  Clothing can be a motivator: when you put on something that makes you feel good, feel confident, you are more likely to take care of yourself.  So "happy clothes" are personal to you, and are whatever makes you feel good about yourself: bright colors, a certain pair of jeans,  etc.

But stay away from leggings!! (as everyday wear. Gym wear is acceptable.)  I know, they are so comfortable and easy.  But think about it: comfortable and easy does not a swimsuit body make.  And they're doing you a disservice.  The stretch in leggings makes it easy for you to not notice creeping weight gain.

The first step to taking better care of yourself is WANTING to take better care of yourself.  And its not too late to make improvements before swimsuit weather officially sets in.

Ok. I'm off to do some lunges.....


A Minute of Thankfulness

If you've been following me for more than a week, you know that it's important to me to remember to be thankful for all of the blessings I've been lucky enough to receive in life.  My take on it is that every thing we have is a blessing, especially the 'simple' things we take for granted (like running water), because somewhere (maybe not even that far away) there is someone who is living without and would love to be in your/our shoes.

I read a touching report this morning that reminded me:


The First United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, received a donation in their offering plate with the message: "Please don't be mad. I don't have much. I'm homeless. God Bless."  In the envelopes was $0.18.

Let that impact you as you will.

The article says that the church shared the photo and the community has responded with generous support, but that the writer of the envelope is still anonymous.  I hope the person will come back and receive the assistance.  But I also hope the generosity of the community doesn't stop with the one homeless person who got enough publicity to tug at people's conscious.

It is not happy people who are thankful — it is thankful people who are happy.


Get Ye To Bloglovin'

If you are an avid reader of numerous blogs, you probably already know about Bloglovin'.  If you aren't let me introduce you.  Bloglovin' is a site and an app that consolidates all your favorite blogs into one place, so you don't have to go to each individual page to check the latest updates. Because while there are a lot of cute sites and interesting content out there, lets be real: no one has time to go through them all and visit them all everyday.  With this site/app, you just log in to your Bloglovin' account, and your customized feed will show you the current posts from your favorite bloggers, and you can see everything all in one place.


You can save specific posts as favorites, and Bloglovin' will even make suggestions for you based on your current likes.  You can set your preferences and have them send you an email as frequently as you like with the updates so you don't have to remember to check (or you can glance over quickly to see if anything is of interest that day.)  I use Bloglovin' as a resource daily, I recommend it you too.  

Click the link below to start following me on Bloglovin' or to get set up and started.  Welcome!!

Everyday Stilettos