How to Refresh After the Gym in 10 minutes

We all know that some physical activity should be part of our daily routine, but with work and kids and errands and housework, it so easily gets shifted to the bottom of the priorities list.  Ironically, all the research and evidence shows that staying fit and active actually helps you handle all of those other responsibilities, increasing both physical and mental energy.

Its not that we don't want to work out, its just that in addition to the time it takes to actually do the working out, there's the condition we're left in post-work out: sweaty (maybe a little 'fragrant'), melted make-up, flat hair.  If you're like me, and the only time to squeeze in a workout is on your lunch break, then you don't want to go back to your office or spend the day looking a mess.  So here are my tips to looking put-together in 10 minutes after a sweat-session.

Body (2 minutes)

Obviously, shower if you can.  But make it quick.  Cool water, as cool as you can stand will actually help your body temp lower more quickly, because there's nothing worse than showering and trying to get dressed and you're still sweating.

If there is no shower option, then keep some body wipes in your gym bag.  There are a variety of options out there, so find the scent/formula you like, then do wipe down of at least everything from the waist up.

Hair (3 minutes)

I usually wear my hair down during the day for the office, but I absolutely HAVE to have it up and off my face and neck for my workout. While I do sweat, wearing my hair up not only keeps me a bit cooler, but it keeps the sweat from dripping down the strands and making it a mess.  If you tend to wear your hair in the loose waves/bedhead style, then wrapping it up into a loose bun on the top of your head can help preserve the style.

I know everyone's hair is different, and so there's no one way to manage post-gym hair. My hair is fine but not thin, mostly wavy with extra curly sections along my temple and neckline.  My hair will hold the crimp of a hairband or a braid if I've been sweating.  And it will be flat from being pulled back. My solution: the hairdryer.  I have a small travel dryer that I keep in my bag. Flip head upside down and do a quick crazy blow in all directions to lift the roots and loosen hair-band kinks.  Don't blow too long or it will make you sweat again.  Either before or after the hairdryer (or both -- figure out what works best for your hair) spritz roots with your preferred dry shampoo.  Will help absorb any extra sweat and oil, and keep you fresh.

I also have a tiny travel flat iron that I use to tame my temple curlies when they get out of control.  There are a lot of nifty mini stylers out there now.

And of course, there's always the fresh ponytail as a back up when all else fails.

Makeup (3 minutes)

They say you're supposed to take your makeup off BEFORE you workout. I confess I do not (I know, shame on me.)  The reality is, if you spend more than 3 minutes putting your face on in the morning, then you're not going to be able to recreate your entire effort after the gym in 3 minutes.  So you either have to keep some of what you started with on, or you just settle for being less made up the second half of the day.

Again with the wipes.  Either before or after or both, you can clean your face with your choice of face wipes.  To make the most of my morning application, I don't remove eye makeup.  That's really what takes most of us the longest, and eyelids don't tend to be very sweaty body parts, so likely most of your morning work has stayed put.  If it has melted to your under-eye area, clean up with your face wipe.

Now to save time, its all about the multi-function products.  BB Creams save time by providing moisture and coverage in one.  And you can blend with your hands (or keep an extra Beauty Blender in your gym bag.) Then for extra coverage/concealer and some highlighting, foundation sticks are quick and easy as well.  Apply straight from the tube, or dot where needed with finger to blend.  Lastly, for some color to your cheeks and lips, a quick swipe of a dual lip & cheek stick has you ready to go. 

Get Dressed (2 minutes)

Since you don't have to decide what to wear, this should be easy.

Hope some of these tips will help you find the time to squeeze some fitness into your day.  It's definitely do-able, it just needs to stay at the top of your priorities list.  Good luck!!

Web Wonders

Ok, they may not be complete wonders, but here are some fun finds from the web this past week:

  1. Sometimes I feel like I have never fully recovered from pregnancy brain.  I'm going to have to start implementing some of these daily habits to make me smarter. (
  2. There is such beauty and diversity in the world, even in just one family. This mother shares images she captured of her daughters. (
  3. Pet peeve of mine: badly hung wall art. Here's how to do it right in your space. (
  4. I'm always on the hunt for small space storage ideas. These built-ins are harder to implement in a rental, but still some good ideas.  (
  5. "My strong body image was a direct result of feeling validated by society."  An honest look at body image I could relate to. (
  6. Since it costs an arm and a leg just to get in, its good to know you can get some free stuff at Disneyland. I'm definitely asking for the map next time we go. (
  7. If you're going to spend on pricey skin care products, be sure you are investing properly. (
  8. Another life-hack that I'm a fan of: DIY/green ways to organize your life. (
  9. Anthro does it again, though out of my price range so I'll just drool from here: I don't think you could feel anything but pretty in this dress. (


Hello Friday - Links I Love

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead.  Here are some fun things I came across on the web this week.

  1. I will probably have to invest in all three of these products.  We all know how important it is to use sunscreen daily, which it think (hope) most of us do first thing with our daily face application.  But the proper use of sunscreen requires reapplication during the day. Who does that once their makeup is on?  These products help solve that problem.
  2. Even if you don't have kids, if you've ever been around them, you can sympathize and join in the laughter found on this Instagram account: average parent problems.
  3. I am excited to look now for cheap, cute little dishes (99 cent store maybe?) and get some rope and beads and make these darling hanging planters.  Hanging planters are a perfect way to add more greenery to your home while keeping it baby-safe.  These look so easy!
  4. Just a little interesting fact explaining the purpose of the extra lace hole in your gym shoes. Huh, who knew?

It's Bombshell's Day #bombshellsday

Today is for you -- for all us ladies -- International Bombshell's Day.  I think it's a day Victoria's Secret made up, and they're celebrating by offering discounts and give-aways at their stores today.  But we should all use it as a day to pamper ourselves and embrace our inner bombshell.  We deserve it.  And we should embrace the outer one as well, as far as I'm concerned.  Bombshells come in every shape and size.  When you embrace your inner bombshell, it will be reflected outwardly to the world.

Course a little make-up, blow-out and good lighting never hurt either. ;)

Hope you have a great weekend and do something for yourself.

Beauty Splurge - but worth it

too much makeup.jpg

In an effort to de-clutter and reduce waste, I told my husband that I wouldn't buy any more make-up/hair products until I had used up what I already had. (I know what you're thinking, because I would too reading this: HA! Yeah, right!)  For some background, I'm definitely not a compulsive product buyer.  But I'm a Birchbox subscriber, which gives me sample size products to try every month (which I don't always use up before the next month's arrival), and I'm always on the hunt for the best products to suit my hair and skin needs (come on, aren't we all?)  That's one of the reasons I do Birchbox, so I can try products without the full price commitment.  And that is how I came to love the product I'm going to rave about here.

I have several skin issues that I want to address with my face products, as I think we all do (though different for each.) I was currently using an SPF moisturizer, an eye cream, an anti-aging serum, a brightening product (damn you, pregnancy dark spots) and face primer every morning before make-up.  Why can't I get one cream that does everything?  Enter Mereadesso All-In-One Moisturizer.

This came to me in a Birchbox sample, which was actually their travel size and is available for purchase.  The little travel size last me a month, at least.  I have never been happier with my skin than I was when using this product.

Mèreadesso's simple one-step moisturizer also functions as a serum, primer, and eye cream. With benefits ranging from redness reduction to anti-aging properties, this multi-tasker is tailor-made to streamline your routine, all while nourishing skin with a host of natural enzymes and antioxidants.  It is an aloe-based gel which contains 16 botanical extracts, 8 enzymes and minerals, and over 20 antioxidants chosen for their purity and effectiveness—adding up to one powerful product. A combination of caffeine and apple and cucumber extracts contributes to the all-in-one moisturizer’s refreshing cooling and tightening sensation.

The main thing missing for me was SPF protection, which was easily remedied via my foundation (SPF Mineral Powder foundation.) 

The product absorbed quickly and provided the perfect base for my powder foundation, and I felt like the primer qualities really helped keep my make-up looking fresh all day.  It didn't settle into my pores as the day progressed, as can often be the case.

Now this is pricier than what I normally spend on products, but when you consider that it replaces more than 3 of my other products, and just the travel size lasts me over a month, buying the full size isn't really costing me more over the run of the bottle.

Rarely do I find products that I LOVE, but this was one of them. So I wanted to share.

What are your favorite multi-purpose products?